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Prof. Hugh Torrens |
Interview | List of publications | Sydney Savory Buckman publications |
1. 1878, On the Species of Astarte from the Inferior Oolite of the Sherborne District. Proceedings of the Dorset Natural History and Antiquarian Field Club, 2, 81-92, with two plates. Introductory note by J. Buckman, pp. 79-80. [this won the Dorset Field Club prize in 1877]
2. 1878 November 18 (with Henry Tanner 1829-1997, Weighing Root Crops. Agricultural Gazette, 471-472.
3. 1879, (Contributions on Local Botany and Entomology), in Report of the Sherborne School Field Society for 1878, 76p. [copy at NHM]
4. 1881 (November), A descriptive catalogue of some of the Species of ammonites from the Inferior Oolite of Dorset. Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London, 37, 588-608.
5. 1882 (October or November, see Torrens 1978, x ), The Brachiopoda from the Inferior Oolite of Dorset and a portion of Somerset. Proceedings of the Dorset Natural History and Antiquarian Field Club, 4, 1-52.
6. 1882 (October or November, see Torrens 1978 x), Some new species of Ammonites from the Inferior Oolite. Proceedings of the Dorset natural History and antiquarian Field Club, 4, 137-146, pls. 1-4.
7. 1885-1886, Contributions on daily rainfall and weather at Hampen, Gloucestershire, during 1884-1885. Symons' British Rainfall for 1884, 1885.
8. 1886 (May), Notes on Jurassic Brachiopoda. Geological Magazine, (3) 3, 217-219.
9. 1886 (October), On the Lobe-line of certain species of Lias Ammonites described in the monograph by the late Dr. Wright. Geological Magazine, (3), 3, 442-443.
10. 1887 (February), Some new species of Brachiopoda, from the Inferior Oolite of the Cotteswolds. Proceedings of the Cotteswold Naturalists' Field Club, 9, 38-43, pl 3.
11. 1887, The Inferior Oolite between Andoversford and Bourton-on-the Water. Proceedings of the Cotteswold Naturalists' Field Club, 9, 108-135.
12. 1887 (March), A Monograph on the Inferior Oolite Ammonites of the British Isles. Part 1. Monograph of the Palaeontographical Society, xx ( ), 1-24, pls. 1-6.
13. 1887 (September), On Ammonites serpentinus, Reinecke, Am. falcifer, Sowb., Am. elegans, Sowb., Am. elegans, Young etc. Geological Magazine, (3) 4, 306-400.
14. 1887 (July), Lampshells or Brachiopoda. Science and Art, 1, No. 4, 50-52.
15. 1887 (November), Our Hills and Vales. Science and Art, 1, No. 8, 117-118.
16. 1888 (January), Part 2, as 12, xx ( ), pp. 25-56, pls 7-14.
17. 1888 (March and July), Palaeontological nomenclature. Geological Magazine, (3) 5, 117-120, 336.
18. 1888, The Value of Geological knowledge. Science and Art, 2, No. 13, 21-22 & 2, No. 15, 62-63
19. 1888, Natura non Facit Saltum. Science and Art, 2, No. 19, 149-151 & 2, No.
20, 174-176. 1889, [under co-authorship of Buckman and Walker], New species of brachiopods in] J.F. Walker, 1889, On Oolitic Brachiopoda new to Yorkshire. Report of the Yorkshire Philosophical Society for 1888, 37-40.
21. 1889, (with J. F. Walker), On the spinose Rhynchonellae (Genus Acanthothyris d'Orbigny), found in England. Report of the Yorkshire Philosophical Society for 1888, 41-57.
22. 1889 (March), Part 3, as 12, xx ( ), pp. 57-144, pls 15-23 and A.
23. 1889 (August), On the Cotteswold, Midford and Yeovil Sands and the Division between Lias and Oolite. Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London, 45, 440-474.
24. 1889 (November), The descent of Sonninia and Hammatoceras. Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London, 45, 651-663, pl. 22.
25. 1889, The relations of Dundry with the Dorset and Somerset and Cotteswold Areas during part of the Jurassic period. Proceedings of the Cotteswold Naturalists' Field Club, 9, 374-387.
26. 1889 (February), Uniformity in Scientific Bibliography. Geological Magazine, (3) 6, 94.
27. 1889 (May), On Jurassic Ammonites. Geological Magazine, (3) 6, 200-203.
28. 1889, Natures's Levelling Tendencies. Some of the Results thereof. Science and Art, 3, No. 25, 32-34. 29. 1890 (March), Part 4, as 12, xx ( ), pp. 145-224, pls 24-35
30. 1890 (July), Review of A. Hyatt's Genesis of the Arietidae. Geological Magazine, (3) 7, 325-326.
31. 1890 (August), On the so-called "Upper Lias" clay of Down Cliffs. Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London, 46, 518-522.
32. 1890, On the Jurense Zone. Journal of the Northamptonshire Field Natural History Society, 6, 76-80.
33. 1890, The Sections exposed between Andoversford and Chedworth; a comparison with similar strata upon the Banbury line. Proceedings of the Cotteswold Naturalists' Field Club, 10, 94-100, with pl.
34. 1890, John Darke's Sojourn in the Cotteswolds and elsewhere, a series of sketches. Illustrated [by his brother Percy Buckman]. London. Chapman and Hall, pp. viii, 204. The [Glossary of Gloucestershire Words, reprinted the 'Old Shepherd' from one of these]
35. 1890, Proceedings of the Cotteswold Naturalists' Field Club. Geological Magazine, (3), 7, 288.
36. 1890, What Time hath wrought. Science and Art, 3, No. 35, 243-245.
37. 1890, A geologist's trip over the Mendips on a tricycle. Science and Art, 4, No. 44, 170-173.
38. 1891 (April), Part 5, as 12, xx ( ), pp. 225-256, pls 37-44.
39. 1891-1892, The Ammonite Zones of Dorset and Somerset.
40. 1891, Arcadian Life... with illustrations by P. Buckman [SSB's brother], London. Chapman and Hall, pp. viii, 127.
41. 1891, Notes on Nautili and Ammonites. Abstracts of Proceedings of the Geological Society of London, no. 47, 165-166.
42. 1892, (with F. A. Bather), The terms of Auxology. Zoologischer Anzeiger, 15, No. 405, 420-421 & 406, 429-434.
43. 1892 (February), Part 6, as 12, xx ( ), pp. 257-312, pls 45-56.
44. 1892 (June), The reported occurrence of Ammonites jurensis in the Northampton Sands. Geological Magazine, (3) 9, 258-260.
45. 1892 (August), The morphology of "Stephanoceras" zigzag. Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London, 48, 447-452, pls 13-14.
46. 1892 (October), Some Laws of Heredity and their application to Man. Proceedings of the Cotteswold Naturalists' Field Club, 10, 258-322, with pl.
47. 1892 (November), Part 7, as 12, xx ( ), pp. 313-344, pls 57-76.
48. 1892, A reply to Professor Blake's comments on Inferior Oolite Ammonites. Geological Magazine, (3) 9, 76-78.
49. 1892 -1893, Notes on the Ammonites of the Transition Bed in Northamptonshire.
50. 1892, The Law of Earlier Inheritance and its limitations. Science and Art, 6, No. 62, 31-33.
51. 1892, The edible Fungi of Stonehouse, pp. 279-281, in Witchell, C. A. and Strugnell, W. B. (eds) The Fauna and Flora of Gloucestershire, Stroud. Geo. H. James.
52. 1893 (March), Vererbungsgesetze und ihre Anwendung auf den Menschen. Darwinistische Schriften (1), 18, 1-104. [translation of no. xx]
53. 1893 (August), The recapitulation theory in Biology. Natural Science, 3, 138-139.
54. 1893 (August), Professor Blake on the Bases of the Classification of Ammonites. Natural Science, 3, 140-145.
55. 1893-1894, Articles on "Gloucestershire Folk Speech", ex Cheltenham Examiner 27 Sept 1893, 18 Oct 1893, 8 Nov 1893, 29 Nov 1893, 27 Dec 1893, 31 Jan 1894 to 28 Feb 1894, many signed John Darke (another SSB pseudonym).
56. 1893 (November), The Bajocian of the Sherborne District, its relation to Subjacent and Superjacent Strata. Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London, 49, 479-522.
57. 1893, Titles of separate copies of Scientific papers. Geological Magazine, (3), 10, 140-141.
58. 1893 (December), Part 8, as 12, xx ( ), pp. 345-376, pls 77-92.
59. 1894 [see E. R. Sykes 1941, p. 36], The Top of the Inferior Oolite and a Correlation of "Inferior Oolite" Deposits. Proceedings of the Dorset natural History and antiquarian Field Club, 14, 37-43.
60. 1894 (June), (with F. A. Bather), Can the Sexes in Ammonites be distinguished? Natural Science, 4, 427-432.
61. 1894 (November), Part 9, as 12, xx ( ), pp. 377-456, pls 93-103.
62. 1894 (April), Jurassic Ammonites: Notes on a pamphlet by E. Haug (1893). Geological Magazine, (4), 1, 170-172.
63. 1894 (July), Jurassic Ammonites: Notes on a pamphlet by Professor Guido Bonarelli (1893). Geological Magazine, (4), 1, 298-300.
64. 1894 (August), Jurassic Ammonites; On the Genus Cymbites Neumayr. Geological Magazine, (4), 1, 357-363.
65. 1894, Babies and Monkeys. Nineteenth Century, 36, No. 213, 727-743.
66. 1894, Instinctive attitudes. Nature, 51, 31.
67. 1894 (January), Emendations of Nomenclature. Natural Science, 4, 80.
68. 1894, A cheap electrical machine. Science and Art, 7, 275-276.
69. 1894, Reviews of H. B. Woodward's The Jurassic Rocks of Britain. Vol. III Natural Science, 4, 69-71. Vol. IV Natural Science, 5, 144-146.
70. 1894, Scientific Volapuek. Natural Science, 4, 239.
71. 1895 (14 November), signed [member number] 14,172, Letter on Rational Dress, Cyclists' Touring Club Monthly Gazette, 350-351.
72. 1895, Articles on "In Rational Dress:"
73. 1895 (August), The Bajocian of the Mid-Cotteswolds. Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London, 51, 388-462, pl 14.
74. 1895 (April), Geological Causes for the Differences between Stroud, Cheltenham and Gloucester. Agricultural Students Gazette, Cirencester, New Series 7, 78-79.
75. 1896 (September), Notes on Jurassic Ammonites. Geological Magazine, (4) 3, 420-421.
76. 1896 (November), (with E. Wilson), Dundry Hill: Its Upper Portion, or the Bed marked as Inferior Oolite (G5) in the maps of the Geological Survey. Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London, 52, 669-720.
77. 1896 (15 February), signed 14,172, Letter on Pneumatic tyres. Cyclists' Touring Club Monthly Gazette, 60.
78. 1897 (March), Human Evolution II. According to Mr. G. Archdall Reid. Natural Science, 10, 187-191.
79. 1897 (December), Deposits of the Bajocian Age in the Northern Cotteswolds: the Cleeve Hill Plateau. Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London, 53, 607-629, pl 46.
80. 1897 (May), The Speech of Children. Nineteenth Century, 41, No. 243, 793-807.
81. 1897 (December), Excursion to Cheltenham and Stroud. Report. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association, 15, 175-182.
82. 1897, (with E. Wilson), The Geological Structure of the Upper Portion of Dundry Hill. Proceedings of the Bristol Naturalists' Society, 8, 188-231, map.
83. 1897, Cheltenham as a Holiday Resort. Part I. The neighbouring Hill Country. Cheltenham, Norman Sawyer & Co. pp. 100 (originally published in xx parts between No 1 Leckhampton 22 July 1896 and in the Cheltenham Examiner).
84. 1897-1899, Cheltenham as a Holiday Resort. Part II. Cycling Excursions. Published in 27 parts between June 16 1897 and June 14, 1899, in the Cheltenham Examiner.
85. 1897-1898, Contributions on Cycling (under the pseudonym 'A Wheeler'). Lady's Own Magazine, June 1897 to October 1898.
86. 1897, Women with beards. Natural Science, 11, 215.
87. 1898 (November), Alcoholism. Natural Science, 13, 344-347.
88. 1898, Letter (signed L. S. Buckman), Innkeepers and Rationalists. Cyclists' Touring Club Gazette, 17, 262.
89. 1898, (letter signed J.[ohn] D.[arke]), A young author's grievance, The Author, 8, No. 10, 268.
90. 1898-1905, Contributions on Gloucestershire Dialect Words in Wright, J. (ed.). The English Dialect Dictionary, Being the Complete Vocabulary of all Dialect Words. 6 vols. Oxford: xxxxxx.
91. 1898 (August), (with J. F. Blake, W. H. Hudleston and H.W. Monckton), Excursion to Bridport and Weymouth. Report. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association, 15, 293-304.
92. 1898 (August), On the Grouping of some Divisions of so-called Jurassic Time, Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London, 54, 442-462.
93. 1898 (September), Observations of a Cycle-Tour. Proceedings of the Cotteswold Naturalists' Field Club, 12, 217-238.
94. 1898, "Geology of Stroud District" from the Stroud Journal (16 pp. copied)
95. 1898 (December), Part 10, as 12, xx ( ), Supplement 1, pp. i-xxxii, pls I-IV.
96. 1899, Report upon the collection of Jurassic Fossils in the Cheltenham College Museum. Report of the Cheltenham College natural History Society for 1898, 45-55.
97. 1899, Cycling: Its Effect on the Future of the Human Race. Cycling Medical Magazine, London, 8, 128-135, 268-275 & 434-438.
98. 1899 (April), The Development of Rivers, and particularly the Genesis of the Severn. Natural Science, 14, 273-289.
99. 1899 (June), The Valley of the Lower Wye. Proceedings of the Cotteswold Naturalists' Field Club, 13, 25-32.
100. 1899 (December), Part 11, as 12, xx ( ), Supplement 2, pp. xxxiii-lxiv, pls V-XIV.
101. 1899 (December), Human Babies: Some of their characters. Proceedings of the Cotteswold Naturalists' Field Club, 13, 89-120, pls I, II.
102. 1899 (December), List of Types and Figured Specimens of Brachiopoda, Proceedings of the Cotteswold Naturalists' Field Club, 13, 133-141.
103. 1899, (signed John Darke), The Idiocy of Feminine Dress, Rational Dress Gazette, No. 7, 27.
104. 1899, (signed John Darke), The Relative Physical Powers of Man and Woman. Rational Dress Gazette, No. 5, 18.
105. 1899, Rational Dress, Cyclists' Touring Club Gazette, 18, 167-168.
106. 1899, The Origin of Human Language. [Cheltenham]: Privately printed, pp. 13. [This had been set in type for publication in Natural Science, but was then reported on negatively by their referee so was then printed off at Buckman's own expense].
107. 1899, Gravel at Moreton-in-the-Marsh, Gloucestershire. Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London, 55, 220 (abstract only).
108. 1900, Articles by SSB ex Cheltenham Examiner on "The Evolution of Roads" 2 May 1900, 30 May 1900
109. 1900, Human Babies. What they teach. Nature, 62, 226-228.
110. 1900 (August), Excursion Notes: chiefly on River Features, Proceedings of the Cotteswold Naturalists' Field Club, 13, 175-192.
111. 1901 (February), Bajocian and Contiguous Deposits in the North Cotteswolds: The Main Hill-Mass. Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London, 57, 126-155, pl. 6.
112. 1901 (March), Homoeomorphy among Jurassic Brachiopoda. Proceedings of the Cotteswold Naturalists' Field Club, 13, 231-290, pls 12-13.
113. 1901 (November), Excursion to Dundry Hill. Report. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association, 17, 152-158.
114. 1901 (October), Jurassic Brachiopoda [correction to 101 or 111?], Geological Magazine, (4) 8, 478.
115. 1901 (1 November), (signed An Agnostic, or worse), Burked by the Newspapers. Literary Guide, p. 173.
116. 1901 (1 December), To the new bishop of Worcester. Literary Guide, p. 185.
117. 1901, Review of F. L. Kitchin's Jurassic Fauna of Cutch: The Brachiopoda. Geological Magazine, (4) 8, 276-278.
118. 1901, The Peat and Forest Bed at Westbury-on-Severn. 1. Editorial Note. Proceedings of the Cotteswold Naturalists' Field Club, 14, 15-16.
119. 1902, River Development. Geological Magazine, (4) 9, 366-375 & 527-528.
120. 1902, Emendations of Ammonite Nomenclature. Cheltenham: Norman, Sawyer and Co. pp. 7 [issued privately in June, published and on sale in July, see Geological Magazine, (4) 9, 380, 1902].
121. 1902-1903, The term Hemera. Geological Magazine, (4) 9, 554-557 (1902) & (4) 10, 95-98 (1903)
122. 1902-1903, Our Descent from Monkeys. Pearson's Magazine, 13, 369-378 (April 1902) & 16, 555-563 (November 1903)
123. 1902, Toarcian section at North Stoke, near Bath, measured in l895, in Reynolds S. H. & Vaughan A., On the Jurassic Strata cut through by the South Wales Direct Line between Filton and Wooton Bassett. Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London, 58, 736.
124. 1903 (November), The Toarcian of Bredon Hill, and a comparison with deposits elsewhere. Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London, 59, 445-458.
125. 1903 (November), Two Toarcian Ammonites. Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London, 59, 459-464.
126. 1903 (January), The Gravel at Moreton-in-the Marsh. Proceedings of the Cotteswold Naturalists' Field Club, 14, 113-118, pl 4.
127. 1903 (November), The Cotteswold Hills. A Geographical Enquiry. Proceedings of the Cotteswold Naturalists' Field Club, 14, 205-242, pl 7.
128. 1904, [Type Ammonites]. Palaeontologia Universalis, Century 1, pls 24-27, 36-39 & 52.
129. 1904, Some Ludlowian Brachiopods; and a question. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association, 18, 454-458.
130. 1904 (April), Neglect of Opportunities. Museums Journal, 3, 312-321.
131. 1904 (December), Jurassic Brachiopoda. Annals and Magazine of natural History, (7), 14, 389-397.
132. 1904 (December), Part 12, as 12, xx ( ), Supplement 3, pp. lxv-clxviii, pls xv-xix.
133. 1904, Lists of ammonites and brachiopods in L. Richardson A Handbook to the Geology of Cheltenham and neighbourhood. Cheltenham: Norman, Sawyer & Co. pp.xx-xx
134. 1904 (January), The Toarcian of Bredon Hill: A reply to Professor Hull. Geological Magazine, (5) 1, 25-27.
135. 1905 (February), On Certain Genera and Species of Lytoceratidae. Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London, 61, 142-154, pls 15-16.
136. 1905, [Type Ammonites]. Palaeontologia Universalis, Century 1, pls 67, 77 & 78.
137. 1905-1906, (with C. Schuchert), The Nomenclature of Types in Natural History.
138. 1905, Where are the Types?
139. 1906 (May), Bibliographical Notes on Murchison's Geology of Cheltenham. Cheltenham: Norman, Sawyer and Co. pp. 4.
140. 1906, Parallel Developments in Brachiopoda, Pygope etc, Science, New York, New Series, 23, 920-921.
141. 1905 (November), Part 13, as 12, xx ( ), Supplement 4, pp. clxix-ccviii, pls xx-xxiv.
142. 1906 (August), Brachiopod Homoeomorphy: Pygope, Antinomia, Pygites. Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London, 62, 433-455, pl. 41.
143. 1906, A Cotteswold Brachiopod: a forgotten name and a neglected author. Proceedings of the Cotteswold Naturalists' Field Club, 15, 209-213.
144. 1906, Some Lias Ammonites: Schlotheimia and species of other Genera. Proceedings of the Cotteswold Naturalists' Field Club, 15, 231-254, pls 10, 11.
145. 1906 (November), Brachiopod Nomenclature. Annals and Magazine of natural History, (7) 18, 321-327.
146. 1906, Brachiopod Nomenclature. Science, New York, New Series, 24, 742-743.
147. 1907, Marriage and Mating. Report of the meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science for 1906, York, 689-690.
148. 1907 (June), Brachiopod Nomenclature: The Genotype of Terebratula. Annals and Magazine of natural History, (7) 19, 525-531, pl 12.
149. 1907 (August), Brachiopod Morphology: Cincta, Eudesia and the development of ribs. Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London, 63, 338-343, pl 24.
150. 1907 (September), Brachiopod Nomenclature: Seminula, etc. Annals and Magazine of natural History, (7) 20, 223-226.
151. 1907, Some species of the Genus Cincta. Proceedings of the Cotteswold Naturalists' Field Club, 16, 41-63, pls 5 & 6.
152. 1907 (November), [Appendix to paper by] L. Richardson, On the correlation of the Bath-Doulting Strata with those of Dorset. Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London, 63, 424-426.
153. 1907 (December), Part 14, as 12, xx ( ), Supplement 5, pp. ccix-cclxii, title-pages, preface and index.
154. 1907, The first species rule: An objection. Science, New York, New Series, 26, 378-379.
155. 1907, Proceedings of Dorset Field Club. Date of Volume IV. Geological Magazine, (5) 4, viii.
156. 1908 (February), Brachiopod Homeomorphy. Spirifer glaber. Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London, 64, 27-33.
157. 1908, Thirty Years' Contributions. Cheltenham: Norman, Sawyer & Co., pp. 7.
158. 1908 (December), (with the Secretary), Illustrations of Type Specimens of Inferior Oolite Ammonites in the Sowerby collection. Monograph of the Palaeontographical Society, xx ( ), pl. vii.
159. 1908, The Genera of Stephanoceras and Allies. Annals and Magazine of natural History, (8) 1, 145-149.
160. 1908 (May), Brachiopod Nomenclature: The Terebratulae of the Crag. Annals and Magazine of natural History, (8) 1, 444-447.
161. 1908, Report on the Gloucester Museum, pp. 11-14 of G. S. Blakeway's Report. Minutes of the Corporation of Gloucester, 22, 19p.
162. 1909-1930, Yorkshire Type Ammonites continued as Type Ammonites. volumes 1-VII, published London: Wheldon and Wesley and after part x (19xx) Thame: by the author.
163. 1909, A Palaeontological ------- [Thame]: Privately printed, pp. 2.
164. 1909, An Octaval instead of a Decimal System: an essay to show the advantages of an eight figure, and the disadvantages of a ten figure notation for money, weights and measures. Oxford, Parker and Son and London, Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent and Co. Ltd., pp. 16.
165. 1910, Antarctic Fossil Brachiopoda collected by the Swedish South Polar Expedition. Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisee der Schwedischen Suedpolar-Expedition 1901-03, 3, No. 7, 1-43, pls 1-3.
166. 1910 (February), Certain Jurassic (Lias-Oolite) strata of South Dorset; and their correlation. Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London, 66, 52-89.
167. 1910 (February), On certain Jurassic ("Inferior Oolite") species of ammonites and Brachiopoda. Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London, 66, 90-110, pls 9-12.
168. 1910, [Bredya proposed as a substitute name for the pre-occupied generic name Burtonia]. Abstracts of Proceedings of the Geological Society of London, no. 66, xciv.
169. 1910, (under the pseudonym of James Corin), Mating, Marriage and the Status of Woman. London and Felling-on-Tyne. Walter Scott Publishing Co. pp. xii, 182.
170. 1910, [Ammonite determinations in] Appendix II. Lists of Mesozoic Fossils by F.L. Kitchin and C. B. Wedd in B. N. Peach, J. Horne and others. The Geology of Glenelg, Lochalsh and South-East part of Skye. Memoirs of the Geological Survey of Great Britain, pp. 179-192.
171. 1910, [sections at Frocester Hill and Pen Wood, near Stroud] in L. Richardson, The Inferior Oolite and contiguous deposits of the South Cotteswolds. Proceedings of the Cotteswold Naturalists' Field Club, 17, 119 & 122.
172. 1911-1912, A method of removing tests from fossils.
173. 1911, [Ammonite determinations in] G.M. Lamplugh and F.L. Kitchin On the Mesozoic Rocks in some of the Coal Explorations in Kent. Memoirs of the Geological Survey of Great Britain.
174. 1912 (January), [Appendix to paper by L. Richardson], Ammonites from the Scarborough Limestone. Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society, New Series, 17, 205-208.
175. 1912 (January), [Appendix to paper by L. Richardson] Comparison of the Upper Toarcian Beds in Yorkshire and the Cotteswold Hills. Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society, New Series, 17, 209-212.
176. 1913 (July), The Kelloway Rock of Scarborough. Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London, 69, 152-168.
177. 1913, Review of Cambrian Brachiopoda by C. D. Walcott. Monographs of the United States Geological Survey, 51, pt. 1. Geological Magazine, (5) 10, 312-315.
178. 1913 (April 3), Shakespearean Ciphers. New Witness 1, No. 22, 695.
179. 1914, Genera of some Jurassic Brachiopoda. London: W. Wesley & Co. pp. 2.
180. 1915, The Brachiopoda of the Namyau Beds of Burma. Preliminary Notice. Records of the Geological Survey of India, 45, 75-81.
181. 1915, A Palaeontological Classification of the Jurassic Rocks of the Whitby District, with a zonal table of Lias Ammonites. In C. Fox-Strangways & G. Barrow, The Geology of Whitby and Scarborough. Memoirs of the Geological Survey of Great Britain, second edition, chapter 5, 59-102.
182. 1916 (issued 16 October), Terminology for foraminal development in Terebratuloids (Brachiopoda). Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute, 48, 130-132.
183. 1917, Correlation of Jurassic chronology (Report on a paper read before the Geological Society). Geological Magazine, (6) 4, 332-334.
184. 1918 (July), The Brachiopoda of the Namyau Beds, Northern Shan States, Burma. Memoirs of the Geological Survey of India, Palaeontologica Indica, New Series 3, Memoir 2, pp. 299, pls 1-21.
185. 1918 (December), Jurassic Chronology, I. Lias. Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London, 73, 257-327, pls 26-31.
186. 1919 (issued 26 August), Terminology for Beak and foraminal development in Brachiopoda. Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute, 51, 450-454.
187. 1920 (October), Jurassic Chronology, I. Lias: Supplement I, West England Strata. Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London, 76, 62-103.
188. 1920, Brachiopod Nomenclature: The genotype of Spirifer. Geological Magazine, 57, 18-20 & 144.
189. 1920, Palaeontological Classification and Comparison of certain Jurassic rocks of Raasay and Skye, in G.W. Lee, The Mesozoic Rocks of Applecross, Raasay and North-East Skye. Appendix I, Memoirs of the Geological Survey of Great Britain, 64-89.
190. 1922 (December), Jurassic Chronology, II. Preliminary Studies, Certain Jurassic Strata near Eypesmouth (Dorset); the Junction Bed of Watton Cliff and associated rockswith appendices. Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London, 78, 378-436, 436-457.
191. 1923, Jurassic Chronology A. Upper Oolites. Reprinted with corrections from Type Ammonites, 4, (1922, 1923), 5-54.
192. 1923, [Ammonite determinations] in G.W. Lamplugh, F. L. Kitchin, & J. Pringle, The Concealed Mesozoic Rocks in Kent. Memoirs of the Geological Survey of Great Britain, 244p.
193. 1924, in X. O'Neill, The geology of the Arctic coast of Canada west of the Kent Peninsula. Canadian Arctic Expedition 1913-1918 Reports, 11, part A, pp. 7107. Report by S.S. Buckman on Firth River Ammonites, pp. 14A-l5A.
194. 1924, Good Luck. Reprinted with corrections from Type Ammonites, 5, (1924), 29-31.
195. 1925, Jurassic Ammonites and chronology. Reprinted with corrections from Type Ammonites, 5, (1924, 1925), 5-78.
196. 1925, [Contributions and palaeontological determinations], in G.W. Lee, & E.B. Bailey, The Pre Tertiary Geology of Mull, Loch Aline and Oban. Memoirs of the Geological Survey of Great Britain, Chapters 12-16, pp. 75-114.
197. 1925, [Ammonite determinations in] H.J.0. White, The Geology of the Country around Marlborough. Memoirs of the Geological Survey of Great Britain, pp. 11, 12, 102 & 103.
198. 1925, [Ammonite determinations in] G.W. Lee, H.H. Read, G.Ross and J. Phemister, The Geology of the Country around Golspie, Sutherlandshire. Memoirs of the Geological Survey of Great Britain, Chapter VI, Mesozoic Rocks, pp. 65-115.
199. 1926, [Ammonite determinations in] J. Pringle, The Geology of the Country around Oxford, Memoirs of the Geological Survey of Great Britain, second edition, chapters 2-6.
200. 1926, [Report of the age of the Laberge Series] in W.E. Cockfield & A.H. Bell, Whitehorse District. Memoirs of the Geological Survey Branch of Canada, 150, 21-22.
201. 1926, Shotover Brickyard: the Age of the Clay above the Shotover Grit. Report of the meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science for 1925, Oxford, 348 (title only).
202. 1927 (April), Jurassic Chronology, III. Some faunal horizons in Cornbrash. Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London, 83, 1-37, pl 1.
203. 1927, Systematism and Chronology. Reprinted with corrections from Type Ammonites, 6 (1926, 1927), 5-51.
204. 1929, Jurassic Ammonoidea in XXXXXX, Mesozoic Palaeontology of Blairmore Region, Alberta. Bulletin of the National Museum of Canada, 58, 1-27, pls 1-3.
205. 1930, [Ammonite determinations in] G.W. Lee, Chapter IV, Trias & Jurassic, in J.E. Richey & H.H. Thomas, The Geology of Ardnamurchan, North-west Mull and Coll. Memoirs of the Geological Survey of Great Britain, pp. 32-49.
206. 1930, [Ammonite determinations in] F. Walker, The Geology of the Shiant Isles (Hebrides). Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London, 86, 360-361.
207. 1943, [Reports on Hong Kong ammonites in] M.Y. Williams, The stratigraphy and palaeontology of Hong Kong and the new Territories. Transactions of the Royal Society of Canada, (3) 4 37, 93-117, pl 1.
[see H.S. Torrens xxxx]
Thursday, 17 November 2016